
Post date: Apr 19, 2012 12:22:03 AM

Toastmasters Meeting on 10 April, 2012.

Justice League ASSEMBLE!!!! These were the words that were said by our ToE of the evening, Hercules Ooi Ho Seng.

The theme of our meeting tonight was....yep you guessed it, Superheroes. 1st up was Ghost Rider Patric Cheah and he shared with us the word and thought of the day....and how to ride that awesome ghost rider bike.

Captain Malaysia aka Joseph Raj welcomed us all to the meeting and after that we all had a chance to introduce ourselves where we got to know the favorite superheroes of everybody present.

Next up was the project speech session and today we had 1 speaker and he was none other than the Ghost Rider, Patrick Cheah. He shared with us a very insightful message and demonstration on how to move objects with just the power of our minds (yep Patrick has professor X's powers as well).

The evaluators aka the firing squad for Patrick's speech came next and they did give some helpful suggestions on the areas that our Ghost Rider could improve on. ( we were definitely not too critical though, after all we do not want to be at the receiving end of the penance stare from Patrick @ Ghost Rider). Seriously though all the best Patrick, you continue to make the Penang TMC feel proud.

Break, food and fellowship came up next and we mingled and we jinggled. Our meeting resumed after about 20 mins and we had the humor session next.

The humor session marked the return of SELVARAJ, and he told us a joke on how to pick your career choice based on the thickness of the study materials. Our second humorist was yours truly, and I gave a truly 110% original joke which was definitely not taken from the internet ( I swear). Our third humorist, our second time guest Miss Ling, shared with us the amazing uses of mushrooms. Mushrooms, ah glorious mushrooms, you can eat em and you can smoke em em.

Table topics was up next and we had 6 participants today which were Selvaraj, Clement @ Superman,Yeap, Melvin a first time guest, and CatWoman @ Debica Sigamoney and Grandma Joan.

Selvaraj wanted to make money out of his new found superpower, Flying and Clement @ Superman shared with us why he thinks Doraemon is way better than the other superheroes.

Melvin wanted to have the power to give people HOPE which is a powerful power to have, and Yeap reiterated his adoration of his favorite superhero Jet Li who is way better than Jackie Chan. Grandma Joan Ang prefers Superwoman, Ultrawoman and Cicakwoman rather than their male counterparts, in other words more woman power!!!

Our returning Catwoman @ Debica shared with us her favorite which was none other than Captain Romania Jagdeep Singh Dhaliwal ( well ask her for further details Capt. Romania).

Our evaluators The Incredible Latin Hulk, Pablo Fmhyudin, for the table topics and Captain Malaysia Joseph, the general evaluator, were thorough and encouraging in their evaluations

A special thanks to Clement, Yeap, Grandma Joan, Melvin, Ms. Ling, Wei Wei, and our co evaluators, spiderman Alan, Catwoman Debica, and Batman Francis.

Over all, this meeting definitely soared higher than any bird, any plane or any Superman could ever dream of.

Have a good day folks,

Bangra Man Signing off.